National Geographic lists Anse Source D’Argent as world’s best beach

The clean white sandy beaches of Seychelles have again pulled an international recognition as being the best in the world.

Anse Source D’Argent is the world’s top favourite beach according to National Geographic


This time it is the National Geographic book that has listed one of the known Seychelles beaches – Anse Source D’Argent – as a top favourite. Anse Source D'Argent on La Digue has topped the list of beaches most sought after in the world.

Second after Seychelles’ Anse Source d’Argent was the Maldives which was followed by Tahiti in third place.

 STB chief executive Alain St Ange said he was happy with the survey published by the National Geographic book.
"Our beaches are one of our unique selling points alongside our clean and clear turquoise blue seas, our unspoilt nature and the diversity of our islands. Seychelles remains unique as a group of islands to have both granitic and coralline islands, the diversity of our people among others,” he said.

“We are happy that a respected publication such as the National Geographic has taken notice of our beaches.
Seychelles today has over 50% of its land area dedicated to natural reserves because we care about our environment and our government is clearly demonstrating they are serious custodians of our environment and unique treasures for our future generations and for the world to see as they visit this last paradise on earth."

Source: NATION 5-7-11